Oxford offers a wide variety of worship and welcomes visitors.

St. Paul's Episcopal Church- 34 East Main Street, Oxford,
Rev. David
Hanselman, Rector; (607) 656-9502. E-mail: dhanselm@gmail.com
The 150 year-old stone church (with the warmth of God's forgiving love at it's heart) invites you to join us for our weekly Sunday service or to have quiet, contemplation & prayer time.
All buildings are accessible for wheelchairs.
Faith Bible Church- PO Box 128, 45 Butler St,
Route 220W, Oxford, NY.
Rev. Josh Rathmell, Pastor Email: faithbiblechurchoxford@gmail.com;
Phone: 843-5068.
9:30 am -Sunday Bible School; 10:30 am -Morning Worship;
7 pm -Evening Fellowship.
Wednesday: 7 pm - Prayer Meeting and Bible Study.
Faith Bible Church is a
friendly family fellowship of Christians committed to teaching the whole
counsel of God as found in his inspired word the Bible. Visitors are welcome
at every service.
United Church Of Oxford- Main Street and Fort Hill Park, Oxford, NY 13830.
Pastor: Larry Cronk, phone 843-8644
Organist/Choir Director: Francis Wilcox
We invite you to worship with us on Sundays at 10:30am.
There is an adult bible study and coffee talk on Sunday mornings from 9:30 - 10:10am.
Foundation Church
"Build Community. Reclaim Faith. Make a Difference."
Join the people of Foundation Church every Sunday at 11:00 am for relevant worship, fun and exciting children's ministry and a down to earth message bringing biblical truths to life.
Pastor: Richard Howard (email: PastorRich@FoundationUMC.com)
Location: 36 S. Washington Ave; Oxford, NY

St. Joseph's Catholic Church- 3 Scott Street, P.O. Box 352, Oxford, NY.
Pastor: Father Thomas Ward. 843-7021 or 656-9546.
"Deep in History, Rich in Faith and Love", our Catholic Community invites you to join us at our regular weekend liturgies--
Saturday Vigil Mass 5:30pm;
Sunday Liturgy 10:45 am -
Weekday Masses are Tuesday through Thursday: 6 am and Friday 11 am at the NYS Veterans Home.
Confession is Tuesday through Thursday 5:15 or by appointment.
We welcome new parishioners; for more information call Parish Office 843-7021 or email us at info@stjosephsoxfordny.com.